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2024-2025 Season Registration
Open to 2nd-6th grade boys based on the 2024-2025 school year.
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Player's Name
*Based on the 2024-2025 School Year
Parent/Guardian #1 Name
Parent/Guardian #2 Name
*A jersey is required for 3rd grade and above. If your jersey fits from last season, a new jersey does not need to be purchased.
*Only needed if you selected a jersey size above.
Season Fees (select all that apply):

Please send payment via one of the methods below:

*Venmo (mike-spence-13)

*Pay-Pal (https://paypal.me/knightsyouthhoops?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US

*Check ("Mike Spence" at 122 Anton Dr.  - La Porte City, IA  50651)